Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Hallelujah for my Health

Have you ever heard of the "Hallelujah Diet"?  I heard about it several years ago when there was a crisis in the life of someone I am very close to.  I began to search the internet for health information and for information on healthy foods that could reduce cholesterol and clear plaque from arteries.Did you know you can actually do that?  I know a person who had blocked carotid arteries who amazingly cleared them with this diet.  The author of this diet (well, kind of, actually God is the author) has many testimonials including that of himself where people have been cured of cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, athritis and many digestive disorders.  It's really not a crazy fad diet, it's actually the original plan for our lives that began in the Garden of Eden.  

My hubby is a vegetarian.  He has been for many years.  I, though, am far from it.  I was raised on fried chicken and country fried steak and gravy and mama's meatloaf.  I don't buy and cook meat very much because it usually goes to waste before I can finish it.  My diet does include many veggies and fruits but I'm afraid they aren't prepared in a healthy way usually.  My plan is to change that.  I plan, as close as possible, to follow the Hallelujah Diet.  If you haven't heard of it or don't know much about it, I invite you visit their website or to get the book.  That is, if you're interested in getting healthy, living a long life free of pain and disease and developing a closer relationship with the Heavenly father.  


Some of the reasons that I made this decision:

I have suffered from horrendous headaches for much of my adult life.  Lately they have been more frequent and worse as far as the pain and length.  I am ready to be rid of them without medicating.

In two weeks I will be 44 years old and I am already dealing with aching joints, knee pain, back pain and I do not want to lose my mobility to athritis.

I have endured terrible, painful episodes of psoriasis on the soles of my feet for the last 7 years. There have been times that I have not been able to wear shoes and bearly able to walk. Although I have enjoyed almost a full year of soft, smooth feet, free of pain and icky scales, the monster is returning.  Just in time for sandal weather too.  I'm not sure that I can endure it again.  It's very straining on not only my outer body but also my emotional state.  It's embarrassing, almost debilitating at times and I do not want to deal with it again.

I deal almost constantly with depression.  Many of you will be surprised at that admission, but it's true.  I have dealt with it for almost 6 years and there are many things that I could blame for it but I won't bore you with those details.  I am working on those things, all those things that is that I can control and I will beat it!

I lost my father when I was 10 years old and he was only 55 to a massive heart attack.  I lost my mother 6 years ago to lung cancer.  She also went through colon cancer surgery and chemo treatments.  She never smoked a day in her life.  Why lung cancer?  Why colon cancer?  Could it be environment related?  Could it be food related?  Could it be lifestyle related?

I don't have the answers to all those questions, but I keep thinking.......if I can do something as simple as change the way I eat and become healthier and happier.......why would I not want to do that?  


Things that I'm thankful for today:

A good job
A great, supportive spouse
The original diet plan
Sense enough (I hope) to figure it all out 
Will power (I hope) to stick with it
supportive friends
Oh! and sunshine for the first time in a week!


Beth E. said...

Wow... a very enlightening post! I'm going to read up on the Hallelujah diet!

Thanks for setting up this post...It's a God-thing. I feel it!

Christina said...

I am thankful that you created this blog to share wonderful healthy ideas and recipes. I look forward to much, much more!