Wednesday, March 18, 2009

A Confession of sorts........

"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body," 
(1 Cor. 6:19-20).

The hubby and I made a decision this past weekend to make a big change in our lives and that change is the way that we eat and how we take care of our bodies.  We are working towards getting our house in order and that includes the temple.  I must admit that this is not the easiest decision I've ever made. In fact, this is one of the toughest things I've ever attempted.  

I'm starting this blog as a diary of our lifestyle change.  I'm not calling this a diet but a lifestyle change.  Diets may come and go but when you learn to make lifestyle changes, even though we are sure to fall off the wagon now and then, they will be things learned that we will never forget.  
My plans are to share our daily menus and recipes that we learn and try along the way, what works for us and what doesn't work so well.  

Our goal is of course weight loss but also to have healthier bodies so we might live longer, healthier, more satisfying lives.  I don't feel comfortable sharing my beginning weight at this time.  Maybe later, after I'm feeling better about my body.  

It will be a couple more days before we are equipped to begin but we are already preparing our minds and our hearts for a new adventure.  

Encouragement and Cheering is welcome!!!


Tara said...

We had a sermon on this at church a few weeks ago. I like the idea of a lifestyle change and not "diet." You can do it!! I'm excited for you to post your menus and recipes. We could all change some aspect of what we put into our temples.

Christina said...

OH You don't know how excited I am about your newest blog...We have made a lifestyle change in our household too...It started as a "diet" the first week of January, but has become so much more. It is amazing how much more energy we have and how much better we feel after 2 & 1/2 months of eating healthy foods. I am really looking forward to the recipes you will share. I hope we can be a source of encouragement for each other!

Beth E. said...

This sounds like a great I need to do myself! Looking forward to reading more. :o)


missy said...

Lisa that is quite a testimony there!! You have always been an inspiration to me since the moment I met you last year. I thank you for helping me to open my eyes about my own life. I mean my gracious my mom who is only 57 just suffered a massive stroke, looks like that would have worked. I am excitied about our new healthy lunches!!!

Lisa said...

Lisa, this is great. :) Eating is my major weak spot, and I am just sick and tired of it!! I can't wait to see what recipes/menus you share. Thanks for being open and honest, and such an inspiration. :)