I picked up my new FREE background layout from scrappinblogs.blogspot.com. When you are looking through their layouts they give you the link where the kit was purchased to make the background. I found the purple and green layout that I really liked and then followed the link and purchased the kit and made my own header to match. Pretty cool huh?
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Rain Rain Go Away and other random thoughts
Getting just a tad tired of cloudy, gloomy days. I'm ready to see some beautiful spring weather. I soooo wanted to spend some time outside this weekend to soak up some sun and to get some outside work done. Today has been so dark and windy and pretty cool too. We have our windows cracked open a little and it's beginning to feel a little chilly. I know that in a few weeks it will be HOT and we'll be wishing for a few days like this. I just wish we didn't have so many in a row.
The hubby and I took a little trip to Raleigh and visited the state Farmer's Market. They had so many lovely plants and flowers and strawberries galore. We came away with nothing except a fig tree. My in-laws had a great fig tree at their house and the hubby has wanted one for a long
time. I wish we'd planted it years ago when we first moved here, but we didn't. He's also been planting grape vines which we also should have started years ago. Hopefully they will live and we'll both be able to harvest fruit from them. The hubby has also planted several different kinds of tomato plants, squash and cucumbers. I love planting things and watching them grow and start to produce. While in Raleigh we visited North Hills and ate a small Italian restaurant called Cinnelli's it was really good. I picked up a great buy at the Wolfe Camera store that is going out of business......a flash for my Canon Rebel digital camera. I got it for 80% off.
Friday evening I drove over to my sister's house. They were getting ready to have a yard sale on Saturday. They were starting to put their things out under the carport. Of course I found a few things I needed at my house. My niece had this cute table and I thought it would fit perfectly at one end of the loveseat so I brought it home.
the little table with the red lamp
That's about all I've been up to this weekend. Soon it will be time to return to work. The weekends always go by so fast. I do look forward to the end of this week because I will be taking a road trip to Gatlinburg to spend the weekend with my friends The Isaacs. They are in Zambia Africa right now but they will be returning home on Wednesday this week. I can't wait to hear all about their trip. I know it's been a life changing experience for them.
I hope each of you has a great week! Blessings!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Want to learn to Strike through a word or phrase?
It's Easy Peasy.....all you have to do is insert a short code before and after the word or phrase you want to strike through.
1. Type your words
2. Insert the following code before the word or phrase you want to strike through.
3. Insert the following code after the word or phrase you want to strike through.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Getting Excited
I'm getting so excited about my new niece/nephew "Baby E". Baby E is due on June 7th. The mommy went to the Dr. today and had her last ultrasound. She found out the sex of the baby but I'm not going to spoil her fun in telling you about it. She called me a little while ago with a very interesting update. She'll be along on her blog to tell you about it soon. As soon, that is, as Big Daddy gets home to fix the laptop.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Honoring my mother on Mother's Day
I never called my mama "mother" it was always mama.
She was born in 1925 right before the depression. She was the oldest of four children. My grandma Foust died in her mid thirties leaving my mother to look after her 3 siblings. My pawpaw loved his children but he wasn't always there for them. She was barely 16 herself and of course was unable to do it all. Her siblings were sent to a children's home in Thomasville, NC. My mama worked hard and mostly lived with friends and relatives and later she met my daddy. After she and my daddy married they would go to the children's home and get my aunts and uncle and bring them to their house. My mama lost her first baby. It was a boy and he was almost full term when mama could no longer feel him move. They induced her labor and she gave birth to a perfectly formed, stillborn baby boy. They named him Michael. A couple of years later my sister Kathy was born and two years after that my sister Sharon came along. My daddy always wanted a son but it was not meant to be. Their little family was complete. My mama worked in upholstery furniture and my daddy was a painter. They bought and sold several homes in Randolph County and they and my sisters moved around a lot. In 1964 they built their last home in Sophia. 6 months after that they decided to build on a family room to that house and have it bricked. During that time they received a surprise. My mama, now 40 years old and "going through the change" found out she was expecting. (They didn't publicly say "pregnant" back then). What a surprise. I remember sitting around and talking and I would ask my mama questions about her pregnancy and my being born and she would tell me stories. She said at first she was embarrassed. I guess back then 40 year old women didn't have babies that much. She said she didn't gain a lot of weight with me and when she went to the hospital to give birth the nurses asked her if she was sure it was time? My sister's stayed home that day and after I was born my daddy went home and told them they had a red headed brother named Roscoe. I guess secretly my daddy was still hoping for that son. He also told his friend's the same thing and one of his best friends named Dewey Brown called me Roscoe until the day he died.
Even though my parents were much older than my friend's parents I was very comfortable with the situation. I loved them both very much. My daddy called me "Babe" and one of my favorite things to do was sit on his lap and bump his noggin. He would lean forward and I would lean forward and we would bump and he would say Bumpy, Bumpy! My mama was the best cook in the whole world. She could go to the grocery and spend $20.00 and have enough food to last the whole week and she cooked us the best meals. Meat, potatoes, veggies, homemade biscuits and dessert. She didn't use recipes. She added a little of this and a pinch of that. She told me that she would sit me on the counter in my carrier while she cooked. Later as I got older I would hop up on the counter and sit for hours just watching her and asking questions about what she was doing. That's how I learned to cook and I have a love for it like she did. Nothing pleased her more than to have you come to her house and eat. She always had something good and everything tasted better at her house. She kept the neatest, cleanest house ever! She had the prettiest flowers. She loved to plant things and watch them grow. She always had the greenest house plants. Sometimes I would take one to my house but it would be dead in a matter of weeks.
One Monday evening in September 1975 my daddy came home from work sick and later that evening he passed away in our den. My mama and me were with him. A massive heart attack took him from us at the age of 55. Five days before his 56th birthday. I was 10 years old. My mama was so sad. I thought I would die from sorrow. But we picked up the pieces and our lives resumed. A week later I went back to school and my mama went back to work and she made a great life for us. My sisters were already married and had little girls of their own and my sister Kathy was 7 months pregnant with my nephew when my daddy left us. My daddy loved my little 2 year old neices and I can still see him sitting in his chair with one of them on each knee. There were some really hard days after he died. Many times my mama told me she was glad that she had me late in life because she would have been completely alone.
Mama worked every day and saved her money. I don't know how she did it but we always had everything we needed and more and when I turned 16 she bought me a car. I had to work and buy my own gas and pay my insurance. I didn't like it, but little did I know that she was teaching me life lessons that would be valuable to me in the future. She raised me in a Christian home and taught me right from wrong. Things I'm so thankful for today.
In 1998 my mama became sick and after many tests was diagnosed with the "C" word. She had a mass in her colon and she had surgery to have 12 inches of her colon removed, followed by 6 months of chemotherapy. My sister's and I were devestated, but my mama was a rock. She never ever complained. She lost some hair, had terrible sores in her mouth, lost 35 or more pounds, completely lost her appetite but she rallied and after that 6 months she was stronger than ever and she was our mama once again. We loved her all the more.
5 years later in 2003, in the spring, mama had allergy symptoms. The Dr. prescribed medication but mama didn't get better. More tests revealed a problem and she went into the hospital to have a bronchoscopy which revealed a mass in her lung. A few days later she was admitted to the hospital with a collapsed lung, pnuemonia and once again the diagnosis was the "C" word. Once again we were devestated. Mama never returned to her home after the day she was admitted to the hospital. She spent 31 days in the hospital and then went to my sister Sharon's house to live. A month later after many, many tests her Dr. decided she was eligible for surgery because the cancer was not found anywhere else in her body. She had surgery to remove her lung and she seemed to be getting stronger but on August 24th, 2003 she aspirated and later that day was put on the vent and about 3 am on Sunday morning she passed away. Our sweet mama was gone.
My sister's and I have so many wonderful memories of our mama. She loved her girls and her grandchildren and loved to have them come and visit. She never drove a car, never had her license, was a quiet soul with the biggest heart. She loved her church and her church friends like Miss Self and Betty Johnson and loved to visit with my aunt Clara and aunt Martha. We miss her like crazy....every day and especially today.
Today is set aside for honoring mothers and remembering those that have passed on. I would like to encourage those of you that still have your mama here on earth. Don't let a day pass without telling them you love them. Don't let an opportunity pass by that you don't take the time to spend time with them. Make memories! They will be so important to you one day. Without those wonderful memories I don't know where I'd be. I would give anything to be able to spend time with my mama today. It hurts me so to see people that still have their mama be angry with them and say spiteful things about them and some don't even acknowledge that it's Mother's Day. You only have one chance, don't let it pass you by.
Happy Mama's Day to each of you!
I look forward to the day when I can embrace my mama and daddy again where there will be no more sorrow, no more tears. Come Lord Jesus!
Listen, Lord,
a mother’s praying
low and quiet:
listen, please.
Listen what her tears
are saying,
see her heart
upon its knees;
lift the load
from her bowed shoulders
till she sees
and understands,
You, Who hold
the worlds together,
hold her problems
in Your hands.
-Ruth Bell Graham
Saturday, May 9, 2009
What I've Been Doing.......
I've gotten so interested in using herbs in my
cooking that I decided to start a small herb
garden. I also put some in pots. Here is marjoram,
oregano, basil and thyme. They love the sun.
I can't believe how much they've grown already!
Fresh new hanging baskets from the
Piedmont Triad Farmers Market!
A sign from our road trip last weekend.....
and one of the buggies we met on that road
A sparrow's eggs in Mrs Trivette's fern on
her porch...... click on the photo to enlarge and
look at the edges of the nest......birds absolutely
amaze me when it comes to nest building. Note
the difference in this sparrow's nest and the
mockingbird nest below.
Put out a spring flag - a schnauzer of course
Looks just like my Levi......
A purple martin on a wire
My hubby is trying desperately to attract some
to our gourds!
Purple martin gourds with purple martins working
their nests. We stopped on our trip last weekend to
Amish country and visited with some nice strangers
"The Trivettes". They had many purple martins.
The hubby was cleaning out some brush yesterday and
was about to cut this thicket with honeysuckle vines
when a mockingbird dove at him and she was angry...
this is the reason. Guess that thicket will stay there
for a while longer. Aren't they beautiful?
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Rainy Day blues.......
Yeah we need rain around here, but dang it, I'm so ready for some sunshiny spring days. I can't take much more of this dreariness.
I love being outside in the spring. Love planting flowers and watching them grow. This past weekend the hubby and I cleaned out some flower beds, put out a mountain sized pile of mulch, planted some pretty flowers, sowed some seed (zinnias & cosmos), bought tomato plants and squash plants and cucumber plants, got ferns for the porch and two other hanging baskets. Things are looking better. I also put out a spring flag and wreath on my door (last year's wreath because I haven't gotten my energy together to make a new one yet). We did this between rain showers. I hate it when it rains on the weekends when I want to be soaking up some sun. I am thankful for the rain though because I know we needed it bad.
We set out on a trip to the mountains to do some walking and enjoy the sunshine. About 5 miles from home the sunshine turned to gray skies and it started to drizzle. It just got worse the farther we drove so we took a detour. We detoured to Walnut Grove off of 421 to the Amish settlement there. We saw a few buggies out on the road, lots of Amish and mennonites working in their gardens and flowers and we visited the Shiloh store that is run by Mennonites and bought a few goodies. The store offers fresh baked breads and pastries, bulk items like flour, dried fruits, raw nuts, jams, jellies, pickled everything, books, quilts, etc. etc. etc. We bought some crunch soy bean nuts and some dried fruits to snack on. We love dried pineapple and cranberries and stuff like that. They had, of all things, dried canteloupe. I'd never had that before and had to try some. It's pretty tasty. Also got a small bag of dried kiwi. Pretty interesting. It was a fun, short trip. Our favorite vacation is to Lancaster County Pennsylvania. We love to go there and spend a week among the Amish. Their way of life just calms my soul. We love to visit in the early fall when they are harvesting pumpkins and the fields are orange with them. It's so beautiful there.
Where is your favorite place to vacation and why?
Things I'm looking forward to:
- blooming flowers
- trip to Gatlinburg with my friend Shelly in two weeks
- the birth of my new great niece Ellie (due in 5 weeks, but may not be that long!!)
- the weekend! (I do love my job and I am so thankful for it but I need a weekend!!!)
- my babies having fresh spring hair cuts so they look like schnauzers again
Sunday, May 3, 2009
I'm Alive but I'm discouraged
Greetings Bloggy buddies.......
I am still here, still trying to get healthy. Today I am slightly bored and discouraged. I had been doing so good with my eating. Still no soft drinks, no snacking, etc. The scales just won't move! I don't weigh every day, just a couple times a week. It's so disheartening to feel like you've been so good and step on the scales and What? Still weigh the same as a week ago! Bummer!! Now don't get me wrong I have had a couple of bad days. One being last Sunday. I went to The Mommy's house for my little niece's birthday and I did have cake. Well, OK, 1 slice of homemade pound cake and 1 yummy cupcake, but I had hardly had anything else the rest of the day. AND I did get a major migraine that evening and lost it all several times if you know what I mean. I have been getting more exercise too. Mostly in the form of manual labor in the yard. I just need something to majorly shock my system. If you have any suggestions, spill the beans please. Unless something happens soon I'm going to drink a 64 oz Dr. Pepper, go to Sir Pizza and order a Large pizza with extra cheese, have some cheesecake and buy me a big ol bag of Rolos!!
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