Hi blogger buddies! Long time, no communication!
Like so many of you have said recently (See, I have been reading your blogs!) I've been in a non-blogging funk. I just haven't been in the mood. I haven't felt like I had anything interesting to say. I have been lurking though. I stop in every few days to see what you have going on in your lives.
I started packing today for my Alaska cruise. I'm getting more and more excited each day. I'm having some issues with the packing. I was trying to take only one bag, but it's almost impossible. I have most of my clothes packed now, but no shoes, toiletries, small electrical appliances, books or underwear. See the problem? I decided against taking my laptop but I do want to take my trusty Canon Rebel. I thought about purchasing a small digital camera that I could carry in my purse, but this may be my only time to Alaska and I want to capture it the best way I can. My Canon takes great pictures and I have a huge zoom lens for it. Of course that is an extra bag because all that stuff fits into a pretty large camera bag. I'll figure it all out though. I'm just really proud of myself that I've started packing before the night before leaving!!
I will be driving to LaFollette, TN on Thursday morning early. We fly out of Knoxville that afternoon and will spend the night in Seattle. The ship departs at 4:00pm on Friday the 14th. Saturday will be a day at Sea. Sunday will be a tour of Steven's Passage and Juneau. Monday we'll be in Skagway. Tuesday - Scenic cruising Tracy Arm and Wednesday we'll be in Ketchikan. Thursday we'll stop in Victoria, British Columbia Canada. Friday we'll be back in Seattle. From there we'll fly to Lebanon, Pennsylvania where the Isaacs have a concert on Sunday night. I'll be driving back home on Monday the 24th and on Tuesday the 25th I'll be back at work!! Phew! Makes me tired just typing it. I know it will be a wonderful trip though. I'm really looking forward to it. We'll be cruising on Holland America's Ms. Zaandam.
I'll be twittering along the way so if you don't follow me and want to hear about my cruise be sure to Follow Me or just check in on my blog and my twitters are on the left hand side. Say a prayer for safe travels if you will and also for a motion sickness free trip.

I think maybe it's summertime that has us in a blogging funk!!
I'm almost green with envy about the cruise. You will have a wonderful time and I can't wait to hear all about it...Get me Jason's autograph if he's there!! LOL He's just delicious!!
Yes, long time no communication for sure! Get those underwear packed!! I know you will have a great time. Can't wait to see the pictures :-)
Sounds like a wonderful trip...I'm looking forward to seeing your pictures. Have a great time...I know you will!
Think you'll get homesick???
I have matching outfits for the girls' fall pictures...hint, hint. AND we need a family portrait too. Just sayin'.
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